Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Aula / via Zoom
Podium: Ukraine at a Crossroads in History: Dangers, Challenges, and – Chances?
The panel discussion will focus on the perspective of Ukraine as a state between today's EU area and Russia – looking at the years since Ukraine's independence, the Russian-backed secession of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and the Russian annexation of Crimea.
In a dialogue between Eastern European studies, cultural studies, political journalism, and political strategy, the panel will assess the current situation and take a structured look at the major lines emerging in the evolution of this war and its possible outcomes.
Panel participants
- Myroslava Gongadze is one of the most influential Ukrainian journalist. When her husband, another well-known journalist, was kidnapped and murdered in 2000, she and her daughters were granted asylum in the United States. She is now a senior contributor to the Voice of America, focusing on Ukraine, and lives in Warsaw.
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmid is a Slavic scholar specializing in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish literature, philosophy and culture. From 2000–2003, he was assistant professor at the University of Basel. Since 2007 he has been Professor of Russian Culture and Society at the University of St.Gallen, and since 2020 also its Vice President for External Relations.
- Dr. Vitali Shkliarov is a Belarusian-born political scientist who studied in Germany and later at Harvard. In the U.S., he worked as a campaign worker for Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, among others. In 2020, he stayed in Belarus, where he was arrested. He has also worked and continues to work in Russia and former Soviet republics as a political advisor to candidates for local and national office.
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Wöll is a German Slavist and former president of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). Since 2018 he works as a professor of culture and literature of Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Potsdam. He also heads the German Association of Ukrainists.
The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Frithjof Benjamin Schenk, Professor of Eastern European History at the University of Basel.
The panel discussion is part of the symposium Ukraine – Intersection of European Traditions, which will take place on May 9-10, 2022.
Zoom-Link for the whole conference
Meeting-ID: 698 9359 9270
Passcode: 557406
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät; Theologische Fakultät
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