Alte Universität, Rheinsprung, Seminarraum -201
International Conference: Management and Experiences of Migration in Modern East European History

Den ausführlichen Programm-Flyer finden Sie hier! / A detailed program can be found here!
Monday, Sep 10
10.15 Welcome and Introduction
F. Benjamin Schenk (Basel): ‘Hubs of Global Migration’: Organising flows of transcontinental migration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Elisabeth Janik-Freis (Basel): Traveling in stages: Myslowitz and Hamburg as hubs of transatlantic migration (1880-1914)
Discussant: Dietmar Neutatz (Freiburg)
12.00-12.15 Coffee
Olga Nikonova (Tscheljabinsk): Medizinische Betreuung und Hygienische Versorgung der Pereselenzy in der Tscheljabinsker Auswandereranstalt
Julia Khmelevskaja (Tscheljabinsk): Searching for "Cities of Bread", Going Through "Bottlenecks": Agencies and Outcomes of Famine Affected Population's Displacement in Russia after the Revolution (1918-1923)
Discussant: Rhea Rieben (Basel)
13.45-14.30 Lunch
Markian Prokopovych (Birmingham): Cities and the Materiality of Migration in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna and Budapest
Annemarie Steidl (Wien) Patterns of European Internal and Transatlantic Migration Before WWI.: Hungary and Galicia in Comparison
Discussant: Fabian Baumann (Basel)
16.00-16.30 Coffee
Laura Ritter (Freiburg): The Russian Atlantis - The Tsarist Empire as a memory space (lieu de mémoire) of the Russian Emigration in Germany
Sarah Hagmann (Basel): Shanghai 1938: Encounters of Central-European Jewish Refugees with Eastern European Refugees from World War I
Discussant: Sophia Polek (Basel)
19.00 Dinner
Tuesday, Sep 11
Emilia Koustova (Strasbourg): Forced displacements form Western regions of Soviet Union: mass violence and individual experiences
Ségolène Plyer (Strasbourg): Die Zulassung von deutschen Migranten nach 1945. Ein migrationsgeschichtlicher Blick auf die Neuordnung Europas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Discussant: Boris Belge (Basel)
10.30-10.45 Coffee
Jeff Sahadeo (Carleton University): Crumbling from the Outside In: Perestroika-Era Migration to the Soviet Core
Igor Narskij (Tscheljabinsk/München): "Schönheit des Leichnams“: Migration und Volkskulturpflege
Discussant: Henning Lautenschläger (Basel)
12.15-13.00 Final Discussion
13.00 Sandwiches and departure of participants
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