Alte Universität, Hörsaal -101, Rheinsprung 9
Demodernization in Post-Soviet Societies: The Case of Ukraine

Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Vortrag (mit anschliessendem Apéro) von unserem aktuellen URIS-Fellow am Departement Geschichte der Universität Basel ein:
„Today’s Ukraine – like other post-Soviet states – was established as a result of the attempt to modernize the late Soviet population. The plan was to build democracy, a nation state and a market economy. However, the reality turned out to be very different from the plan. Demodernization, a reverse development with a return to earlier stages of modernity and/or archaic ways of life, seems to be a strong factor defining the life of Ukrainians and their neighbours today.
Mykhailo Minakov will look into the social reality of Ukraine and neighbouring countries in an attempt to understand the characteristic traits of contemporary Eastern European development.”
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